Author Archives: admin
Copernican Camera: Rotation 3
22nd December, 2022Below is a small, very sped-up version of the third full loop I’ve shot with the Copernican Camera, a motorised camera mount I made to bring a non-geocentric perspective to an everyday context. I originally shot this loop at … Continue reading
Loops in BayeuxSpace
30th May, 2019A collaboration with Tom Chambers of Random Quark These videos are generated by a neural network trained on images of the Bayeux Tapestry.The process of changing a trained network’s input parameters and observing the output is often described as … Continue reading
Copernican Camera: Rotation 2
17th November, 2018This video is the second full loop I’ve shot with the Copernican Camera, a motorised camera mount I made to bring a non-geocentric perspective to an everyday context. The first time it was in Scotland following the stars, this … Continue reading
Mis-en-a-Z Ⅰ, Ⅱ & Ⅲ
2nd November, 2018The black circular frame occupies the same plane as an image of itself – the conflict between the two surfaces causes a glitch called z-fighting or stitching which changes as they move relative to the camera, generating complex patterns. … Continue reading
The Four Solids Plotted
3rd December, 2016These are plots on paper of some of my algorithmic drawings, made using a customised 1980s pen plotter. The plotter draws as the program is run, and there’s a lot of randomness in there, so they turn out differently … Continue reading
Clock Helix 1
21st August, 2016This 3D printed sculpture shows a two dimensional clock face, with time represented as the third spatial dimension. The structure is fixed but a moving laser highlights a particular cross section of time. This version is just 15cm long, … Continue reading
Copernican Camera Version 2
13th July, 2016This is how the Copernican Camera looks in its most recent version. There’s a spirit level and a compass built in, so it can be lined up with the celestial pole. The angle of the bend is set to … Continue reading
Cover Art: “Honey & Skin” by Colour of Spring
4th March, 2015Copernican Camera: Rotation 1
14th August, 2014I made this mount for a camera to compensate for the rotation of the earth, in an attempt to provide a non-geocentric perspective. The 4 second video loop below was produced from one day’s images. The stars remain the … Continue reading